Friday, April 17, 2015

Welcome to a place to ride Prescott, AZ. USA

This is a place to go for a riding guide on the Prescott trails. I welcome first timers to Prescott and those that have been here numerous times. If you'd like to experience one of Arizona's greatest riding destinations without the worry of getting lost, calculating time, distance etc, this is the place. I've been riding these trails for nearly two decades. Simply contact me and let me know what you want: Distance, time, a particular trail, a particular loop, the Whiskey Off Road course or anything in between. If you're in riding shape, out of shape, expert or beginner. If you're an ace [I'll try to keep up :)] and simply want someone to point you in the right direction and keep you on course, I can do that as well. Why? I simply love Prescott, Arizona. And I love to ride my mountain bike(s) on Prescott, Arizona trails. So hit me up for whatever ride you're looking for. My schedule is VERY flexible; Seven days a week typically will work. Even if you hit me up with short notice I should be able to make it. If not, I'll let you know ASAP. And just for clarification, I do this free of charge. :)